Yu Gyeong-hee, Choi Myeong-suk and Kwon Mi-hyeok
The three co-representatives of Korea Womenlink


Kwon Mi-hyeok, Yu Gyeong-hee, Choi Myeong-suk
Kwon Mi-hyeok, Yu Gyeong-hee, Choi Myeong-suk
Korea Womenlink, which has led a "women's movement closely related to daily lives," reached the age of majority this year. Regular representative Yu Gyeong-hee and co-representative Choi Myeong-suk and Kwon Mi-hyeok, who have made a leading role in Korea Womenlink from its initial state, plan to launch a women's movement more closely related to daily lives.

Ms. Yu said that "although Korea Womenlink has been working as a women's movement organization in many fields such as sex, labor, media, and policies on women's lives, but its focus has always been on a policy-oriented women's movement. From now on, we will disseminate a women's movement closely related to daily lives."

To this end, Korea Womenlink will organize a committee for visions and discuss future plans. It also plans to vitalize communication among branches through "local branch network" and launch grassroots local movement based on the lives of the local women by finding local agendas for women.

They also put "voluntarily accepting inconveniences" campaign into practice. "Voluntarily accepting inconvenience" campaign is a daily life movement in which people carry one's own cup, handkerchief and using cotton sanitary pads.

"정책중심에서 일상운동으로"

'생활밀착형 여성운동'을 주도해온 한국여성민우회도 올해로 성년이 됐다. 초창기부터 민우회에서 활동하며 선구적 역할을 해온 유경희 상임대표와 최명숙, 권미혁 공동대표는 창립 20주년을 기점으로 해 좀더 생활 속 여성운동으로 파고들 계획이다.

유 상임대표는 "그동안 민우회가 성, 노동, 미디어 영역과 생활 속 여성정책 등 다영역에 걸쳐 여성운동을 해왔지만 아무래도 정책 중심의 여성운동이 주가 됐다"며 "앞으로는 좀더 여성들의 일상에 파고들어 생활밀착형 여성운동을 보급하는 데 앞장설 계획"이라고 말했다.

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